We are here.. a great way to celebrate Pentecost.. Jet Lag
the Jet lag is tough. The 6 hour flight really was not quite long enough to get in enough sleep. So, as " chief cat herder" I am taking the bit and sitting up writing this first post. Tomorrow I'll get more from the pilgrims.
At the end of the day today, after a hearty dinner of bistro faire here at the Kilarney Lake Hotel, I had them talk to one aniother at the table and answer the question,
"What happened?" At our table, the responses were different but each one presented another view of God at work among us.
Julia Ann said she noticed our guide, Con Moriarty's careful way of enquiry and his curiosity about all of us that seemed to emerge out of the curiosity he had for the world. Amy noticed how differently it smelled over here. Today on our short hike around Lake Killarney we hiked through a grove full of wild garlic plants and another full of 500 year old pine trees and peppermint bushes.

I mean, the kids hiked through pouring rain today and loved it, suffered through some serious jet lag and we're incredibly kind to one another and everyone else all day.
Such is the value of pilgrimage, though. Gradually, we watch people open up to God and this new way of seeing the world and begin to experience "arrival"- the slowly unfolding process of realizing that we are "here- now."
Our musicians for our worship service today (plus one pilgrim) As a "treat" to us our guide, Con, asked thm to come. They had friends from the area come to her them, too, some of whom shared communion with us. Wow. Just wow.o
So, it's 9 pm and everyone is fast asleep. We kept them out in this sun and rain and inGod's creation today and hopefully tomorrow they will be "reset" and ready for a long beautiful day. We will have 2 or 3 other bloggers on board tomorrow. In these meantime, enjoy some photos from the day and pray for us.
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