The Synagogue at Berea and Anticipating the Monasteries in Kalanbaka
Day 2
Today started with waking up in the hostel and a quick breakfast then an hour bus drive to Berea where Paul preached to the Jews. We walked in the pouring rain to one of the oldest synagogues in Europe, over 2,000 years old. We met Ava, the woman in charge of the synagogue, who told us stories of the synagogue and her life. In 1943 the Nazis came and held 700 Jews in the Synagogue for five days without food or water. Only one member of the congregation survived after all were sent to Auschwitz. After visiting the synagogue, we walked back through the town in the rain to a local restaurant for Greek food. The food was amazing, kind of like a Greek style Chick-Fil-A. We got back on the bus for a longer but scenic ride to Kalanbaka. We set up in the hotel and took a quick swim while the weather started to clear up. From the hotel we have a fantastic view of the cliffs of Meteora. We ate dinner and walked downtown to get rain gear for tomorrow’s hike to the monasteries. We met a few locals and street dogs, including Taco who followed us to and from the hotel. When returning to the hotel we gathered for a reflection and discussion about the day’s adventures. We made prayer bracelets, discussed the highs and lows of the day, and made a love circle. Now Katherine and Nora are telling me, Lindsay, what to type in this blog. It is time for bed, and we are very excited for tomorrow’s hike (not excited about waking up at 7 am).
Lindsay Vicens
Nora Gaynor
Katherine Aiken
June 10, 2022
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