My Boon - Isabelle Smith

     This journey will hold a special place in my heart forever. When speaking to previous pilgrims before leaving for Croatia they would say "this trip changed me in all aspects of my life" and I honestly did not believe them. However, as I am flying home I now realize how much this experience facilitated growth in both my spiritual connection with God and my connections with all of the other pilgrims. On the last day Tim discussed this idea of being back the 'boon' or the benefit we want to take back to our community in Atlanta. It was really difficult to pick boons because really the whole trip was one giant boon. But, if I were to choose one it would be my experience in the Protestant church of Good News. The members of that church truly fought for their right to worship God in the way they wanted freely, and as a result their gratefulness and love for God was more than I had ever seen or felt before. Overall, I am eternally grateful to have been apart of a trip with such wonderful and intelligent leaders as well as friends who share the same love and appreciation for this journey.   


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