Station Fourteen- Emma Sawyer

So far, Croatia is beautiful.

The water is so clear you could open your eyes under water
and see everything, the flowers are vibrant, it's really sunny
all the time, and the mountains are just gorgeous.

Yesterday we visited the shrine of Mary. I feel like the only
word I could say the whole time was "wow." There were
really no other words that could pop into my head as we
walked the Stations of the Cross. We could only find nine
out of the fourteen, so we ended up creating the last five
Stations. Number fourteen had to be my favorite.

We ended up on top of one of the mountains that gave you
the best view of the mountains behind you and the sea in
front of you.

The best part of Station fourteen had to be the holy marking
we made. It was a pile of strategically placed rocks. When
we were done, we put some yellow flowers that were all over
the place in one of the spots, and then each of us placed
one of our gifts on the pile. I left one of my origami butterflies,
because of all of the butterflies that were fluttering around 
the whole time we were there. Then, Tim took some water
from someone's water bottle and blessed the marking.

I think my favorite part of yesterday, though, had to be
that despite the on-going construction, we were able to set
that interruption aside, and enjoy the beauty of the shrine.

I'm really enjoying myself on my tech-free pilgrimage
(call me crazy, but I think that if I had taken my phone the
experience would be ruined for me), and I'm so happy that


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