Excitement Outweighs Nervousness- Stuart Gordon

[Ed. Note: We noticed today that we had not published this essay that was intended for before our departure. Apologies to Stuart!]

I ended the school year well last week. My lazy week has been full of naps, swimming, and YouTube watching. I have barely dived into The Art of Pilgrimage, but I plan to read more tonight. The time has flown, and I can’t believe the trip is nearly upon us. Packing has been difficult as I have to be mindful of how many items I have. I am very excited for the trip to Alaska though. I have never been there, and I am very interested in what I may see and experience. In the last few months, I have been confirmed with fellow friends and taken a step toward a deeper commitment to my church. I hope to grow in my spirituality, strengthen friendships with fellow confirmands, and have fun in nature on this trip. I am a little nervous about this trip. However, my excitement outweighs any concerns for this trip. Also, I might enjoy a break from my phone even though I am a little reluctant. Even though I don’t know exactly what to expect, I hope the fun trip doesn’t end in the blink of an eye. 


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