Intense day of Beauty and Climbing

This will be short because we are beat! We hiked up Mt  Roberts (see the pictures on the phanfare site!) james and Celeste got started with an entry but were too tired to finish. We get tricked by the long days- we ate dinner at about 830 and had our  night worship and talk about 11:00! 
So, here's some highlights:
- One of the pilgrims getting help for fear of heights and climbing to the top (in spite of their fear!)
- Pilgrims playing in the snow- sledding on their rear ends or raincoats down some snowfields- laughing and screaming in delight.
- sitting at the top of gold pass trail reading John 1- praying for all of you
- building a cairn with rocks we carried from the seaside to the top- and leaving them behind as "burdens" we wanted to be freed from
- One group making serving and cleaning up dinner- with little or no help.
- sunset in this beautiful place. 
Nights like this you are convinced that all is indeed grace. Grateful for your prayers for us all and for making pilgrimage and important ministry of your church. It makes a difference . It changes lives. 



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