Holy Islands- Andrew
Yesterday morning we went on a long, scenic drive out to a mountain on a peninsula by the Atlantic Ocean. We hiked up to the top of the mountain, and once we were up there we could see seemingly forever across the ocean. Con told us that for most of human history, people thought that the ocean was the end of the world. On top of that mountain, I could see how people thought that, and if I had lived in their time I would have believed the same exact thing. The ocean seemed to dip into nothingness at the horizon. Con also told us that Monks used to move out onto islands closest to what they thought the "edge of the world" was - islands like Skellig Michael. I can only assume that this was to try to get physically and/or mentally closer to God and Jesus. This is very similar to the purpose of our pilgrimage. In the pilgrimage we have gone away from our normal world in Atlanta and the U.S. and traveled to a new land (new for us) for the purpose of getting closer to God and Jesus.
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