Mountain Top- Kathy
It seems like days ago that we left Atlanta and yet it is only 26 hours. Our bodies and minds have not quite arrived in Ireland. Our guide, Conn, picked us up and drove us an hour and a half away to the Gap of Dunloe for a hike to reset our body clocks. It was absolutely gorgeous -sunny and hot!- and we started up the 3000 foot mountain. In our stupor, none of us were quite prepared for the challenging hike or the surprising beauty. The path was often rocky and more often steep. I began to fall behind out of breath, hot, and not sure my bum ankle and knee would let me reach the summit. And then God's grace seemed to shower down on me and a few others that were feeeling the same weariness. Barkley, who was not even breathing hard, hung back with me and became a quiet supporting presence. Aiden started trying to take my mind off of the challenge by giving me some games to play and making me laugh..Will checked in on how my knee was doing. Lisa slowed down to wait on us. Conn took me by the hand and showed me how to plant my feet. The whole group waited occasionally to let me catch my breath and encourage me. As we reached the summit, I got high fives and hugs and then turned and caught my breath again. This time, it was the breath of God. God's amazing grace that gathers us in community. Stunning beauty surrounded us, love had enfolded us, and what happens to form the group on Pilgrimage had begun..
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