Mountain goats - John Russ

Today we did a lot of mountain climbing along with our regular dose of hiking. When we went up the side of a rock wall that was at an intimidating slant. As we went up we were focused on keeping our footing and just chugging along to try to find a good rock to sit on and chill. When I got to a good stopping point, a large rock that that I had seen multiple rams and sheep standing on earlier, I got the chance to look back down on the countryside. I was able to see what seemed like the entire world and I felt like I was part of the environment. Seeing everything from that perspective made me realize how small I am, but it also made me feel huge, as if I was part of the mountain. I feel like I saw God in that vastness because being up so high made me feel like I was close to him. Overall, today was a great day and I feel that I have made connections with everybody on the pilgrimage.


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