Sleepless Anticipation- Barckley Toole

With 2 days to go before departing on the 2018 Youth Pilgrimage, I find myself mired in sleepless anticipation.  I have the unique opportunity to not only go as a chaperone but also as a parent for my son Wallace.  Its his first trip on an airplane and he really didn't go to enough Sunday school sessions for my liking.  It also seems that all the other pilgrims have close bonds after growing up together in the youth choir.  Will he fit in?  Will he connect with others?  And whatever will that picky eater eat without Chick-fil-A?

Now my thoughts turn to myself. Originally I was to go last year with my Sunday School class whose journey I had shared for 5 years.  Will I be able to connect with this group of kids that I barely know?  Will I be able to pull off my gift?  While on Pilgrimage, will I be able to clear these thoughts from my head so I can listen for the Spirit?  

Now my wife begins to snore and I roll over wondering - what if there are other loud sleepers?  Will I ever get any sleep?  Alas I am dogged in sleepless anticipation.


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