Wiped Out and Inspired- Kathy Roberts

It is late and I am wiped out!  I have been leading Vacation Bible School and Aftercare for 4 days, from 9-5 ( or more exactly, 7-7).  I have logged over 14,000 steps each day and ended the night with both a heating pad and an ice bag.  I have worked up a sweat dancing, climbing trees, and playing 9 square. I have wiped noses and tears, tended to scraped knees and bumped heads, and gently pried wary children away from their parents on the first day ( and yes, they are now running in on their own!).  I feel grimy and sticky from that and from 4 and 5 year old – after – lunch – hands grabbing hold of mine just because. 
 It has been the greatest week!  These children have come here and met the Lord in the stories and songs of our faith.  They have shared their faith with their new and old friends.  They have practiced discipleship. I feel lucky to be a witness to it all.

You see, this is what I do.  I love to teach and work with children, teens, and adults.  And although I might have separated VBS and the Pilgrimage by a day or two, I can’t wait to head out on this next adventure with some more young folks!  I can’t wait to learn from them, talk with them, and watch them experience this once in a lifetime trip as a Pilgrim.  

At first I thought Tim had lost his mind asking me to blog on this night after all this week.  But now I am kind of (just kind of , Tim!) happy about it.  It is making me stop the business of taking care of all the VBS details and turn towards the Pilgrim’s journey.  And in that turning, I breathe, and slowly let go of the busy week.  I empty my mind, clear out all the chatter, and wait to be filled up by the Holy Spirit.


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