Going to the Edge of the World

So tomorrow we are headed to a place folks used to think was on the edge of the world. Skellig Michael is an island forged on a huge rock, really, by people they think were Copts who came here and wanted to set up outposts that were lights of God all up and down the coastline. Tonight we were trying to impress upon all what they were headed into tomorrow .
For our guides, and for us too after tomorrow, this is truly one of the holiest places on earth. Ireland is one huge " thin place" really. Our guide , Con, put it in to perspective when he and I were walking together yesterday. His people have been in this place for 1000 years. Unless you are Native American, most Americans cannot say that about the land we are on.

Somewhere along the road we figured that creation was against us, or something to be conquered or tamed or owned instead of loved and respected as a living reminder of God's care for us. We stopped today in an old stone circle today and spread out to journal and be quiet. The greatest silence fell upon us all and we spent at least an hour in silence- sleeping, writing, reading scripture, praying and meditating. I read some poetry by an Irish poet named Eavon Bollen and some prayers out of some of the earliest Christians we know of here in there this place.
  green, everywhere. one of many hills painted with moss. 

We had a the sense today that the silence this normally pretty talkative and joyous group experienced was a thin place. The sunshine that bathed us was the first we had had in 2 days. Undoubtedly, God was present with us In this thin place. 


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