Here We Go!- Isabelle Smith

Here we go, three more days until we leave on our pilgrimage to Croatia!  This will be my first “real pilgrimage” and thanks to all the prep from Tim, Kevin, and Rebecca I have given a lot of thought on how to prepare and what I might experience.  It is the unknown that is most exciting, and I pray (or at least my mom and dad are) for a journey that will result in self-renewal and a newfound devotion to God.  
           Packing for this trip has been different compared packing for an average family vacation. Since we will mainly be traveling along the coast we have to take into account the weather and heat we will be faced with upon arrival. However unlike a vacation we, as pilgrims, are expected to meticulously think about every item we are taking on our journey. Asking ourselves, “Do we need this? In what scenario would this be necessary? etc. Some of these unnecessary items include any travel gadgets, ‘fashion-forward’ clothing, and most importantly our cell phones. 
            In addition to packing practically and efficiently, pilgrims must be thinking about the journey ahead. In other words, what it actually means to be a pilgrim. I have found that the best way to do this is by slowing down and taking a moment to reflect on all of the discussions we have had in Sunday School in the past two years. For, these discussions have been leading up to this moment; embarking on a soulful journey that will transform us not only into global citizens, but also more aware and faithful followers of God.  Quotes from others who have experienced transformation from travel have been helpful to get my thoughts in the “pilgrim zone”.   Here are a few of my favorites:

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Henry Miller

“ I am going away…to an unknown country where I have not past and no name, and where I shall be born again with a new name and untried heart.” – French Novelist Colette

“There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it.” Charles Dudley Warner


  1. You inspire us all! Looking forward to being a part of your journey through your writing! Thx


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